Saturday 24 September 2016

Life Update


hai setelah sekian lama tinggal blog rasa nak rindu pulak nak tulis. . .   update pasal life bieha dekat sini alhmdulillah almost sebulan dah bieha di UPSI although rasa mcm dah lamaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaa duduk sini
 (sad, i wanna go home) tapi alhmdulillah semua berjalan dengan lancar, i got new friends here , and luckily they can match with me , dekat sini housemate bieha semua comel2 belaka, hahaha termasuk bieha laa kann, lol wekk okayy gurau, housemate bieha jaa comel , bieha tak...
dekat sini every places yang i nak pergi  kena jalan kaki ,first masuk sini penat sikit, tapi bila dah biasa hee semua okay. . . 
about my guy, alhmdulillah amir in a good condition , cuma itu laa bieha teramat sangat rindu dia . . .
and last few hours he called me  told me he was a captain of SUKSIS, congratulations sayang , im so glad of you, do well and do success.. . i love you . . . 

so here nak kongsi sikit doa rabitah, doa yang bieha belajar  dari Latihan Pembangunan Sahsiah Diri. . .

Doa Rabitah:

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

اَللّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذِهِ الْقُلُوْبَ، قَدِ اجْتَمَعَتْ عَلَى مَحَبَّتِكَ، وَالْتَقَتْ عَلَى طَاعَتِكَ، وَتَوَحَّدَتْ عَلَى دَعْوَتِكَ، وَتَعَاهَدَت عَلَى نُصْرَةِ شَرِيْعَتِكَ.

فَوَثِّقِ اللَّهُمَّ رَابِطَتَهَا، وَأَدِمْ وُدَّهَا، وَاهْدِهَا سُبُلَهَا، وَامْلَأَهَا بِنُوْرِكَ الَّذِيْ لاَ يَخْبُوْا، وَاشْرَحْ صُدُوْرَهَا بِفَيْضِ الْإِيْمَانِ بِكَ، وَجَمِيْلِ التَّوَكُّلِ عَلَيْكَ وَاَحْيِهَا بِمَعْرِفَتِكَ، وَأَمِتْهَا عَلَى الشَّهَادَةِ فِيْ سَبِيْلِكَ.

إِنَّكَ نِعْمَ الْمَوْلَى وَنِعْمَ النَّصِيْر،ِ اَللَّهُمَّ أَمِيْنَ وَصَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ عَلَى سَيِّدَنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ.


"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah berhimpun kerana mengasihi-Mu, bertemu untuk mematuhi (perintah)-Mu, bersatu memikul beban dakwah-Mu, hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syari'at-Mu.

Maka eratkanlah Ya Allah akan ikatannya, kekalkan kemesraan antara hati-hati ini, tunjuklah kepada hati-hati ini akan jalannya (yang sebenar), penuhkanlah (piala) hati-hati ini dengan cahaya Rabbani-Mu yang tidak kunjung malap, lapangkanlah hati-hati ini dengan limpahan keimanan dan keindahan tawakkal kepada-Mu, hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini dengan ma'rifat (pengetahuan sebenar) tentang-Mu. (Jika Engkau takdirkan kami mati) maka matikanlah hati-hati ini sebagai para syuhada' dalam perjuangan agama-Mu.

Sesungguhnya Engkau sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong. Ya Allah perkenankanlah permintaan ini. Ya Allah restuilah dan sejahterakanlah junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW, keluarga dan para sahabat baginda semuanya."

until we meet again . .  
Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Thursday 28 April 2016

Fights and arguments

Fights and arguments are unavoidable in any relationship. But it’s nice having such a strong history and knowing that, like every other argument, you can work through together.

well known we are human being , there is nothing perfect , so each of you have to understand and support each other. Me with my guy ,iim admit that ive done a lot of things trouble and my partner still dont give up on me , he tried his best to persuade and calm me. . . im appreciate that he understand me and being a strong man i ever met. Thank you sayang. we hve been together since the beginning , si i have no trouble trusting you that you will be here for me through everything else.

You have to know each other’s quirks and “tells.” you know when they’re actually fine, and when they are upset. Because their behaviors and body language are now as familiar to you as breathing.
You’ve probably already made it through the hard parts of fighting to stay together. At some point all couples have to sit down and figure out what they want, where they want this to go, how committed they’re ready to get, etc. You already had to do all that when you entered the real world so although there’s always going to be plenty to work through and talk through, you’ve already covered a lot of it.

the way they laugh when they think something is really funny, the small noises they make when they’re getting comfortable , all of these things they’ve been doing for years they don’t even realize they do anymore but are completely unique to them and new to you. Each moment of discovery increases just how endearing you find them until it builds up and builds up and then you realise that was LOVE . 
to my guy, through the days and through the nights, thank you for always being here with me. . .
. . . . 

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Unhealthy People

Assalamualaikum, hai . . .
Have you ever thought to yourself kenapa sibuk susahkan diri untuk orang lain ? Kenapa sibuk jaga hati orang ?  Sedangkan org lain ? Tak sanggup nak susahkan diri sndri untuk kita . Tak sanggup usaha nak jaga hati kita . Tak pernah nak appreciate apa kita buat. btw, im not going to mad or else in my blog , just a waste , but yaa at least this is the first and the last i met people talam dua muka nie. . .
Time susah tercari-cari, time senang dah tak perlukan kita dan boleh pulak kata kita dari belakang,  complain ,  tarik muka tu jaaa orang lain taw buat bila kita tak boleh bagi atau penuhi apa yg dia nak . Tapi tak pernah pulak nmpk susah payah kita buat untuk dia.  Tak pernah cuba faham sikit pun apa keadaan kita ,tak pernah faham apa kita rasa. . .

Sometimes rasa bodoh sbb im still ambil berat, im still syg akan hbungan yg pernah ada , im still tolong if they need me , and im still harapkan ikatan yang kukuh in our friendship  , but what i get? ditikam dari belakang. . .Mana letaknya sifat manusia dlm diri? Knpa sifat2 yg sebaliknya juga yg dipilih , taw kan sifat siapa tu ?

The most things yang i still cant accept was berpura-pura baik depan aku, kau masih meminta-minta bantuan aku , tapi dlm masa yg sama kau mengata aku. . .  manusia face mask , lol . . .
Aku tak mintx bnyk, aku mintx kau ingt balik ja apa yg aku buat kat kau, at least terima kasih dekat aku. . . lol
Kalau aku nak buat balik apa yg kau buat, aku boleh buat!
Tp, aku tak buat sbb sygkan kau, sbb tak smpai hati aku nak buat balik perangai mcm kau, aku tak nak kau sakit hati , and paling aku tak nak buat sbb aku tak nak jadi macam kau. Aku sakit aku lupakan, aku menangis aku redakan, aku kecewa aku biarkan. . .
Aku tak sedar aku bodoh  smpailah satu hari ada org  buka mata aku, kau tak nmpk lagi ka ,aku ikhlas tlg kau, berkwn dgn kau, semuanya, aku ikhlas. . . dan aku hnya biarkan, aku tak nak jadi mcm kau , aku tak nak berdendam, kerana aku pasti,
Allah ada, Allah tahu niat kita ,  Allah maha adil. . . 
Mungkin kau tak rasa seperti mana aku rasa , Untuk menilai , mengeji, menghina, tu bukan aku.

manusia , they just cant shut their mouth from accusing you, do you realise that things? 
my guy always told me to not worry about who talking behind my back. As long as kita hidup tak susahkan orang , and kita tahu apa kita buat , kita tahu niat kita, Its more than enough. . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Sunday 24 April 2016

If there is no tomorrow

Sometimes hati rasa sakit ,cnfrm ada rasa nak merajuk , nak marah , nak rasa dipujuk and some more. . .
Tapi i realise something , how if kita dh tak jumpa hari esok ? rasa2 hati yg sakit tadi boleh buat kita mnyesal seumur hidup . . . Wht i mean was , yaa mungkin someone buat kita marah atau sakit and that time kita pilih untuk merajuk , dont want to talk or marah2 dekat org yg bagi kita sakit tu , just imagine how if org tu esok dia dh takda , sbb mungkin dah pindah jauh keaa, mungkin smbung belajar jauh2 kea , or mungkin dia pergi dari hidup awak . . . Pernah bayangkan tak ? ?  Menyesal bukan ?

you've gotten to see how far each of you has come. you've seen each other graduate high school, have no sense of direction for a couple years, kind of figure things out, and cautiously step into adulthood. Highschool sweethearts is just one of many things you are to each other. you are also soul mates , best friends , endless supporters, kindred spirits, partners, etc. this types of bonds dont come around that often.
and the wonderful memories you've built together only get you more excited for what's to come. . .
so if you're not really appreciate wht you had before , today , and right now . . im sure you'll regret. . .

the day you have you didnt take that extra time for a smile , a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, that what turned out to be their one last wish. tak salah kann amik masa untuk cakap im sorry, please forgive me, thank you or its okayy if they did something wrong , kita manusia biasa mana lari dari buat silap kann, so the time you have the only time to make them happy while youre still with them which is someone you love, you'll surely rasa happy jugakk . . . and if esok dah takda you'll have no regrets about today. . .

your loved ones are usually super invested in your relationship. sounds intense, but its actually just great. They're always happy to support you, to celebrate milestone and give you all the encouragement that you need. Because at this point , your significant other is just as much a part of your families' lives as they are part of yours.

Im trying my hard to give  my best in my relationship, but once i know he get a called from cyberjaya university i felt like OH NO ! hahaha sounds cruel but yaa  i will miss him badly . . .like seriously naaaaaaaa jerit till tingkap rumah pecah pun im sure im still takkan boleh hilangkan rasa rindu tuu , ok soo whtever. . .  but yaaa dalam masa yang sama im happy for him, deiii not easy meh to further study in  cyberjaya univeristy dengan biasiswa,  he is shooooo lucky sbb SAYA aakan menghantui dia dekat mana2 jaaa dia pergi, hahaha okayy tada kena mengena, k bye.

Soo yaaaa , i have to be strong because i know he will always with me walau dalam keadaan apa sekali pun, i know that, and he have to be strong too sbb dia jaa kekuatan and semangat saya.
So sayangg , we have to be strong , to be honest , to be loyal, to believe , and tumpu sehabis baik dan usaha untuk masa depan . .  . That the things and that is the spirit , i love you , i love you sooo much , Sayang awak dh dapat , terima and teruskan usaha jeaa okayy , i luv u  .  . . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Tuesday 22 March 2016



so yaa ive been long time tak tulis blog , on 2 March 2016 i get my stpm result and hee aalhmdulillah tak pernah expect nak dapat result mcm tu ,alhmdulilllah and a lot of thanks to my beloved bcause he help me a lot. . . and dia or he atau  cinta hati saya ofkoz laa result lagi tinggi dari saya sbb dia cikgu saya meh. . .

on 2 Jun 2015
i still remember once he told me that he love me with all his heart. . .
the day before my birthday he ask me for an ice cream so yaa he buy me my fav ice cream and then he tell me that i hve done something wrong, he sulk, deii wht ive did. . . ive asked him why but he just ignored me and tell me that he want to go home. . . that was the first time i gaduh dgn dia paling lama , selalunya bergaduh tak sampai satu hari but that day sampai keesokan hari still tak baik lagi, masa tu rasa mcm nak jerit jeaa sakitnya mcm mna. . .
the day on my birthday, we had a class at 8.00 am , so i just went to class and he doesnt there, but at one hour before end of the class, tadaaaa.. ..  he came and sat at the other place dan langsung tak pandang saya, urghh my heart like kena baling dari puncak gunung kinabalu  jatuh ke bawah meh. . . sakit hokayy. . .
once class dah habis my tears comes out and ya cepat2 saya nak lari balik sbb tak nak kasi org nmpk tapi yaa saya dihalang oleh kawan2 yang lain nntah bila masa diorang pun berkomplot dgn dia. . . and surprisely he brings me a choclate cake with a bunch of flower on it. . . omg , apa semua niee. . .
dia melutut dia bagitaw saya dia cintakan saya sepenuh hatinya and air mata dia pun keluar masa tu, hahaha mcm drama korea dah kauu, tapi yaa sy tak mimpi masa tu, he give me a present and bawa i jalan-jalan. . . huhhh at last he is mine , he love me too , so takdanya istilah perigi cari timba masa tu , sbb i ingt i sorang jaa suka dekat dia . . ok malu. . .k bye. . .
hahaha eii so yaa i have my prince charming . . .
pasang surut air sama jea macam sesebuah hubungan , mana boleh nak perfect semua . . .just keep going, keep doa and be honest, loyal, sincere, believe , and love each other. . .
end of story . . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Sunday 31 January 2016



So ive been updating about my first met him last entry, and i cant keep it secret all by myself thought my mind really with him, i can tell yaaa this feeling is awesome. i can feel hes wih me,  i can hear his laugh and see his smile even  he are not around. . okayy ya i miss him , well yaa im so glad he made time to see me , he ve been good, busier than ever, but yaa still have time with me, i love him, well remember when we used to hangouts together, oh my i just cant put away my eyes from him . me just melt. i love to be with him. the moments with him is precious . . .

okayy balik masa dulu,
when im in form6, when me first met him, i act like tak nampk dia punnn, tapi hati i rasa mcm nak luruh jeaaa masa tu ,but yea after two days we re in class and tadaaaaaa finally dia tengok i and  he called me " kak"  but i didnt notice him , then he called me" makcik " and smile , so yeahhh with that first called, we start our conversation,  yeaa we start conversation terus kepada cerita pasal diri dia , ok actually he start the conversation first sbb i kan pemalu,ceeeewah.  .  .ok first of all i just cant believe it happen yaa i bercakap dgn diaa kot, it is like first time i rasa mcm it touched my heart and hold my heart . .

actually  since i dah kenal dia ,rapat dgn dia , i nak dia anggap i cuma nak kawan baik dgn dia , sbb tak nak laaa judge hati and perasaan apa2 nnti jadi perigi cari timba  pulakk kannnnn, . .i still remember when he told me that he never fall in love , and im laughed cause i hope hes wrong, and i dont think it ever crossed his mind meehhh, i could tell his favorite fruit's manggo , his fav drink's lemon tea, . . he loves to argue , born on 1st March 1996 , hes sister's beautiful and , he has his father's eyes aand if you ask me masa tu if i love him? . .  i'd lie. . .
because he innocently overlooks the truth. . .
i remember all those crazy things he said ,and all those crazy things we did and we didnt think about it just went with it. act berapa kali dah keta kena saman, bukit bendera, padang kota, and so on. . . hahaha. .im sorry sayang , masa tu we still friend but yeaa a lot of things we did together ,  it seems okayy to me,  im just fine with it , fine with our friendship. . .walaupun kita selalu hampir nak mengaku but still dapat mengelak dari mengaku yang we are truly fall in love . . .

okayy end ,  bila kami dapat luahkan perasaan? and who start first? and wht we felt ? ill update soon,  hahahaha sekiann jeaa entry kali nie , titik. . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Thursday 28 January 2016



" I know this is the melt chocolate thing ever and i never thought this kind of stuff happens until it happened to me. i knew i loved him the moment i saw him. it was instant. i was completely mesmerized by him and I was like yeaa and yaaaa i need to know this guy immediately. . .
I think love sort of happens slowly, then all at once. its like the person is there ,theyve always be there, but you start noticing little details about him and love everything about him . . . and alhmdulillah hes mine. . .

Have you ever imagine how lucky you are to have a good partner which is you have someone to complete you, to secured you, to love you. Have you ever thought about it? Have you? dan pernah tak pada masa yang sama kita rasa that we are not too perfect for our partner ? and rasa terhutang budi with his kindness ? kannnnnnnn rasakannnn . . .
Tapi jika dilihat balik, he had choose you sbb diri you sendiri , so why bother ?
try to think why he choose you but not anyone else . Why he choose to spend his time , to spend his money ,to love , to care and to hear your story and sacrifice a lot of thing for you. why? it is because he love you, yeaaa its you, and u re lucky to have him with you , hes charming sebenarnya and idol, okeyyhhh. . .

im lucky to have him, hes complete my fairytale story , i know it sounds wont be like fairytale story sbb our life akan ada journey yang naik dan turun but yeaa i wish my life going success and happy ending JUST LIKE fairytale story, thats it, faham!. . . . i do not know why but yeaaa happy ! naaapengsan ! Happy to know that you have the one who always love you no matter what you have done. No matter for anykind of silly things you did he still love you and he never left you as well and always stay by your side. sometimes when you got quarrel about small things he tried his best to calm the situation and play hard to make you smile again . like seriiussssssly , dont you appreciate what you had. . .

Jodoh is absolutely a fate. well yeah, so i met a guy in highschool. well i can tell you that i was like thinking i dont want to further my study as stpm student because people keep warned me not to take a risk, idk why sedar-sedar jeaa i dah pun langkah masuk sekolah tu sebagai form6 student , luckily hahaha if not we never met kan. . . My guy and i were classsmate. Honestly told i am a type of person who dont really interest with the arrogant guy ,but  yeaaa on my first met him i judge him as an ego person , but from that day on i stared him, idk but yeahh i felt something that idk wht it is. . . ok thats how i met him,but on how do we know each other , how do we start our conversation adalah rahsia , atau mungkin di entry yang lain , hahaha, i feel so grateful , happy , and untold feeling , with him my life re perfect . . . the quotes says 'dont judge people by its cover' and yeaaaa its true , so i learned something . . .Alhamdulillah .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Tuesday 26 January 2016



have been a long time i never blog aka i deleted all my old post act i dont see any interesting scheme in my beeloogg although i know i dont even think i have a reader. haha so whatever . . . so. . . . there lots of things happen around, i have been finished my studies as stpm student , and now staying at home mereput without doing anything  yang mendatangkan income, ok nmpk sgt pemalas . . .
but at least i help ibu a lot , memandangkan sekarang i dah ada adik kecil, tangan ibu sorang jeaa tak cukup nak handle semuanya sekali so nak tak nak kena rajin , and ibu well said while u re staying at home u may practise and learn how to cook , she smile and  end up with muka sindir tak sindir smbil cakap
 " elehhh practise for your own marriage meh". . .eh eh . . .besides , ive moved to Balik Pulau which is i stayed in Balik Pulau , although i miss my home in town but yeahhh i love my home right now. but if i would choose whether in Balik Pulau o Bayan Lepas , i would choose Bayan Lepas more laaahhh sbb dekat sana i feel more close with my loves one , hahaha. . . since i stayed at Balik Pulau, i kena belajar jadi berani. why? Oo0onamati tgk lipas and cicak yang jadi common things dalam rumah ni yang tak henti-henti muncul depan i , *amik ridsect spray sampai mati.
in here ive my cousins and ive found friends tht i can spend time with, although not tht much time but yeaaa im lucky to know them sbb diorang nie jenis diam-diam ubi berisi, wht i means was diorang bnyak ilmu pengetahuan dalam masa yang sama annoying mcm i jugak, so it is quite comfortable here. . .
btw, i stayed infront of my Grandmas house, and in the middle of my two beloved uncle house, sounds like our family soooo cant never be apart. . . in fact im so grateful in here, sbb ada jugak org boleh tgk-tgkkan rumah while weoollss family keluar jalan2. . .
and agak terasa jauhnyaa bila nak kuar g mana2, on whatever or wherever kami nak pergi, bukit perlu direntasi terlebih dulu, first dulu agak takut nak drive naik turun bukit sorang2 but yaaa dah 2bulan stayed sini i rasa dh boleh buat keta nak terbalik time turun bukit kira dah rare laa tu, hahaha sayang nyawa oii. . .
ok thats it , soon ill get my stpm result semuanya serba tak kena seperti mndi tak basah, makan tak knyang2, tidur terlebih tidur, grrr semuanya tak kena . . .
ill update soon insyaallah. . .
Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Copyright@segala yang terkisah tiada niat ingin myakitkan hati ssiapa,hanya jalan cerita bieha zolta keyh