Tuesday 26 January 2016



have been a long time i never blog aka i deleted all my old post act i dont see any interesting scheme in my beeloogg although i know i dont even think i have a reader. haha so whatever . . . so. . . . there lots of things happen around, i have been finished my studies as stpm student , and now staying at home mereput without doing anything  yang mendatangkan income, ok nmpk sgt pemalas . . .
but at least i help ibu a lot , memandangkan sekarang i dah ada adik kecil, tangan ibu sorang jeaa tak cukup nak handle semuanya sekali so nak tak nak kena rajin , and ibu well said while u re staying at home u may practise and learn how to cook , she smile and  end up with muka sindir tak sindir smbil cakap
 " elehhh practise for your own marriage meh". . .eh eh . . .besides , ive moved to Balik Pulau which is i stayed in Balik Pulau , although i miss my home in town but yeahhh i love my home right now. but if i would choose whether in Balik Pulau o Bayan Lepas , i would choose Bayan Lepas more laaahhh sbb dekat sana i feel more close with my loves one , hahaha. . . since i stayed at Balik Pulau, i kena belajar jadi berani. why? Oo0onamati tgk lipas and cicak yang jadi common things dalam rumah ni yang tak henti-henti muncul depan i , *amik ridsect spray sampai mati.
in here ive my cousins and ive found friends tht i can spend time with, although not tht much time but yeaaa im lucky to know them sbb diorang nie jenis diam-diam ubi berisi, wht i means was diorang bnyak ilmu pengetahuan dalam masa yang sama annoying mcm i jugak, so it is quite comfortable here. . .
btw, i stayed infront of my Grandmas house, and in the middle of my two beloved uncle house, sounds like our family soooo cant never be apart. . . in fact im so grateful in here, sbb ada jugak org boleh tgk-tgkkan rumah while weoollss family keluar jalan2. . .
and agak terasa jauhnyaa bila nak kuar g mana2, on whatever or wherever kami nak pergi, bukit perlu direntasi terlebih dulu, first dulu agak takut nak drive naik turun bukit sorang2 but yaaa dah 2bulan stayed sini i rasa dh boleh buat keta nak terbalik time turun bukit kira dah rare laa tu, hahaha sayang nyawa oii. . .
ok thats it , soon ill get my stpm result semuanya serba tak kena seperti mndi tak basah, makan tak knyang2, tidur terlebih tidur, grrr semuanya tak kena . . .
ill update soon insyaallah. . .
Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

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