Thursday 28 January 2016



" I know this is the melt chocolate thing ever and i never thought this kind of stuff happens until it happened to me. i knew i loved him the moment i saw him. it was instant. i was completely mesmerized by him and I was like yeaa and yaaaa i need to know this guy immediately. . .
I think love sort of happens slowly, then all at once. its like the person is there ,theyve always be there, but you start noticing little details about him and love everything about him . . . and alhmdulillah hes mine. . .

Have you ever imagine how lucky you are to have a good partner which is you have someone to complete you, to secured you, to love you. Have you ever thought about it? Have you? dan pernah tak pada masa yang sama kita rasa that we are not too perfect for our partner ? and rasa terhutang budi with his kindness ? kannnnnnnn rasakannnn . . .
Tapi jika dilihat balik, he had choose you sbb diri you sendiri , so why bother ?
try to think why he choose you but not anyone else . Why he choose to spend his time , to spend his money ,to love , to care and to hear your story and sacrifice a lot of thing for you. why? it is because he love you, yeaaa its you, and u re lucky to have him with you , hes charming sebenarnya and idol, okeyyhhh. . .

im lucky to have him, hes complete my fairytale story , i know it sounds wont be like fairytale story sbb our life akan ada journey yang naik dan turun but yeaa i wish my life going success and happy ending JUST LIKE fairytale story, thats it, faham!. . . . i do not know why but yeaaa happy ! naaapengsan ! Happy to know that you have the one who always love you no matter what you have done. No matter for anykind of silly things you did he still love you and he never left you as well and always stay by your side. sometimes when you got quarrel about small things he tried his best to calm the situation and play hard to make you smile again . like seriiussssssly , dont you appreciate what you had. . .

Jodoh is absolutely a fate. well yeah, so i met a guy in highschool. well i can tell you that i was like thinking i dont want to further my study as stpm student because people keep warned me not to take a risk, idk why sedar-sedar jeaa i dah pun langkah masuk sekolah tu sebagai form6 student , luckily hahaha if not we never met kan. . . My guy and i were classsmate. Honestly told i am a type of person who dont really interest with the arrogant guy ,but  yeaaa on my first met him i judge him as an ego person , but from that day on i stared him, idk but yeahh i felt something that idk wht it is. . . ok thats how i met him,but on how do we know each other , how do we start our conversation adalah rahsia , atau mungkin di entry yang lain , hahaha, i feel so grateful , happy , and untold feeling , with him my life re perfect . . . the quotes says 'dont judge people by its cover' and yeaaaa its true , so i learned something . . .Alhamdulillah .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

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