Saturday 12 August 2017

Body Images Issues

Assalamualaikum and hai..

Do you realise that sometimes we need to let our life , just like follow the flow. . .or maybe planned our life. The wind blow your nose and feel it, but somehow, the wind not always smooth, maybe the wind came with the rain, luckily we had an umbrella.. . . 

Oh btw, im not going to talk about the wind or umbrella things here, but im going to talk about the Girls/Lady/Women. so pernah tak  rasa bila kita dalam keadaan  happy and confident, one minutes to sad and get confused next. . . that is because so much is changing around you and inside you. Even your brain is changing but you can learn how to cope with all kinds of feelings. although somehow you cant but you must and trained your brain to stay positive. 

okayy as an example, having body and images issues. you wish that you could lose weight, get taller, being pretty and so more, yess that girls issues kann, tipu kalau cakap tak, walaupun you re perfect but still ada jeaa rasa tak kena and tak cantik. it's pretty common to worry a little about how your body looks and your images, especially when it's changing. Does your body images matter?  yess cause it can effect how you feel about yourself overall. for example, if you are unhappy with your looks, your self-esteem may start go down. sometimes having body images issues or low self-esteem may lead to depression, and eating disorders, or maybe yang paling scary masalah obesiti. 

so here wht i found, if you start to criticize your body, tell yourself to stop. Instead, hink about  what you like about yourself, both inside and out. Hey your body is not just to hang your clothes! it can do some truy amazing things. Focus on how strong and healthy your body can be. Eat right, sleep tight and get moving. You will look and feel your best and you will be pretty proud of yourself too.  Let yourself shine just the way you are, a lot of how we look comes from how we carry ourselves. but if can't seem to accept how you look, talk to someone you trust, your family, your partner or your friends. . .  in that case, you can get help feeling better about your body.

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

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