Saturday, 22 April 2017

That Feeling

here im back again, this is he melting chocolate story, but who caes, this my story and my blog kann, so whatever. . .
well said im not feeling well this lately, Alhmduillah not my health problem but my brain problem... there is a lot assignment to think on this semester , last semester better than this semester. . .adat belajar orang cakap, there is always something we re up to and ada masa serabut kepala jugak . . .  im hoping that will went good, and wish me and my guy success ehh, aminn. . . i nak sangat convo sama2dengan my guy . . . aminnnn . . .
btw im not here because of my serabut kea apa kaa, im here cause i want to share my excited feeling towards my guy laa ofcourse, sbb takdanya benda lain dah yang i nak excited about selain daripada my guy things.

My birthday guy jatuh pada  1 march , last month is something that im excited about, but what ive done on his birthday im not really satisfied, cause there is a problem with the post girl before, she didnt bring the things that i want to, sakit hati jugak sbnrnya sbb dh plan awal sebelum hari kejadian(his birthday), im sorry dear . . . but you know what, that feeling tho. . .  bila bab hari jadi jaa bieha tak boleh tak excited, walaupun bukan birthday bieha , but yaa that feeling tu tak boleh nak ckp terujaa mcm mana nak sambut birthday orang yg kita sayang, like seriously  bieha suka rasa niee. . .
 and u know what, on 2017  my plan birthday yang tak berapa nak jadi tu, but but im planning for his birthday next year 2018, im up to something. . . im hoping that next year will be all good. . .
btw bukan perkara pelik yeaa utk plan awal setahun for ur special one, cause we dont know what will happen next, which means tiba-tiba ada masalah at least we have our backup plan betul. . .
with all this things, im hoping my guy also excited on what i am doing, walaupun tak seberapa. . .
actually, i miss him and my family badly. . . rasa sem nie mcm jarang pulak balik penang, . . 
till we meet again. . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Copyright@segala yang terkisah tiada niat ingin myakitkan hati ssiapa,hanya jalan cerita bieha zolta keyh