Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Assalamualaikum, haii . .

Lelaki could be our success, could be our hero, and also could be our nightmare. . .
Lelaki yang muncul depan kita, ada dengan kita ada baiknya ada kekurangannya, and same goes to us, perempuan, boleh jadi bahagia lelaki, boleh jadikan lelaki itu baik and boleh juga hancurkan lelaki. . . we as a human, ada kebaikannya ada kekurangannya, tp kecantikan dan manisnya pasangan kita hanya dapat dilihat oleh seseorang yang ikhlas, dan bagaimana kita terima pasangan kita. . .

jom rewind japp masa korang first met, bahagia kann . . . bila kita mula jatuh hati, mula jatuh cinta rasa berbunga-bunga dia lain macam sikit kann, bila kita dah nampak yang baik, and yang sesuai dengan kita, kadang kita tak hargai, kita buat tak endah jeaa, malah kita cari salah mereka. . . guys diorang pun manusia mcm kita juga, kalau korang tak berubah, asyik nak cari salah pasangan korang jeaa, lama-lama pasangan korang akan rasa rendah diri, akan rasa tak berguna dekat korang, and yang paling teruk, pasangan korang akan rasa dia tak mampu utk buat apa-apa untuk bahagiakan korang. . . and last korang rasa boleh bahagia keaa hubungan korang? kecuali korang berubah, berubah untuk lebih kenal diri sendiri, lebih kenal pasangan korang , terima pasangan korang seadanya. . . 
Jika korang dah nampak kekurangan pasangan, tidak sempurna pasangan korang. . . usaha untuk ubah diri pasangan korang untuk jadi lebih baik, and sabar , tunggu. . . sebab pasangan kita ni pun ada lemahnya, mereka perlukan dorongan dan perhatian, tunggu and terus sabar, pasti pasangan korang akan jadi yang terbaik, walaupun tidak sesempurna yang kita harapkan tapi korang kena sedar, pasangan korang sanggup berubah , and cuba buat yang terbaik utk korang. . .  hargai dia selagi dia masih cinta dan sayang korang. . . jika kita terus cari kesempurnaan, kita hanya akan dapat lihat kesempurnaan hanya pada rupa dan fizikalnya , tapi tidak pada hatinya . . . jgn lupa, korang pun ada kelemahan korang, ada cacat cela juga, and kena sedar, pasangan korang boleh jeaa terima korang seadanya, kenapa pula korang tak boleh kann?  

so love them, appreciate them, sbb korang takkan pernah jumpa dah orang yang ikhlas sayang and cintakan korang mcm mana pasangan korang sekarang ni. . . 

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Relationship goals

Assalamualaikum and haii,

Thinking of something that wonderful? beautiful? success? atau lebih dekat lagi berfikir pasal future?  
 So im here just wanna share what am i feeling right now. . .  
when u re in relationship ofcourse u want to get married and take the responsibility with success of being a wife or a husband. . . but can u imagine those long relationship before married? what i mean their ups and downs situation to handle and to cooperate with each other. . .  yessss im sure u re thinking sober. . . im pretty sure those long relationship have been through so many ups and downs, times that they will remember forever, but more importantly they learned through all those ups and down, and all those moments have built relationship they are blessed today and  insyaAllah forever aminnn. . . i guess the most important thing we have learned is that a relationship, like eveything in life, is only as good as the time and energy you give it. It is built on the little things you do together, and for each other, everyday and those little things compound and create a bond that with last a lifetime insyaAllah. And here i found a quotes that always make me more in love with my relationship and in positive mind. . .

When two hearts are meant for each other, No time is too long, and no other love can break them apart. 
So while i may not always be there with you, 
i will always there for you.
Because distance cant stop what's meant to be.
I Love You

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Body Images Issues

Assalamualaikum and hai..

Do you realise that sometimes we need to let our life , just like follow the flow. . .or maybe planned our life. The wind blow your nose and feel it, but somehow, the wind not always smooth, maybe the wind came with the rain, luckily we had an umbrella.. . . 

Oh btw, im not going to talk about the wind or umbrella things here, but im going to talk about the Girls/Lady/Women. so pernah tak  rasa bila kita dalam keadaan  happy and confident, one minutes to sad and get confused next. . . that is because so much is changing around you and inside you. Even your brain is changing but you can learn how to cope with all kinds of feelings. although somehow you cant but you must and trained your brain to stay positive. 

okayy as an example, having body and images issues. you wish that you could lose weight, get taller, being pretty and so more, yess that girls issues kann, tipu kalau cakap tak, walaupun you re perfect but still ada jeaa rasa tak kena and tak cantik. it's pretty common to worry a little about how your body looks and your images, especially when it's changing. Does your body images matter?  yess cause it can effect how you feel about yourself overall. for example, if you are unhappy with your looks, your self-esteem may start go down. sometimes having body images issues or low self-esteem may lead to depression, and eating disorders, or maybe yang paling scary masalah obesiti. 

so here wht i found, if you start to criticize your body, tell yourself to stop. Instead, hink about  what you like about yourself, both inside and out. Hey your body is not just to hang your clothes! it can do some truy amazing things. Focus on how strong and healthy your body can be. Eat right, sleep tight and get moving. You will look and feel your best and you will be pretty proud of yourself too.  Let yourself shine just the way you are, a lot of how we look comes from how we carry ourselves. but if can't seem to accept how you look, talk to someone you trust, your family, your partner or your friends. . .  in that case, you can get help feeling better about your body.

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Saturday, 22 April 2017

That Feeling

here im back again, this is he melting chocolate story, but who caes, this my story and my blog kann, so whatever. . .
well said im not feeling well this lately, Alhmduillah not my health problem but my brain problem... there is a lot assignment to think on this semester , last semester better than this semester. . .adat belajar orang cakap, there is always something we re up to and ada masa serabut kepala jugak . . .  im hoping that will went good, and wish me and my guy success ehh, aminn. . . i nak sangat convo sama2dengan my guy . . . aminnnn . . .
btw im not here because of my serabut kea apa kaa, im here cause i want to share my excited feeling towards my guy laa ofcourse, sbb takdanya benda lain dah yang i nak excited about selain daripada my guy things.

My birthday guy jatuh pada  1 march , last month is something that im excited about, but what ive done on his birthday im not really satisfied, cause there is a problem with the post girl before, she didnt bring the things that i want to, sakit hati jugak sbnrnya sbb dh plan awal sebelum hari kejadian(his birthday), im sorry dear . . . but you know what, that feeling tho. . .  bila bab hari jadi jaa bieha tak boleh tak excited, walaupun bukan birthday bieha , but yaa that feeling tu tak boleh nak ckp terujaa mcm mana nak sambut birthday orang yg kita sayang, like seriously  bieha suka rasa niee. . .
 and u know what, on 2017  my plan birthday yang tak berapa nak jadi tu, but but im planning for his birthday next year 2018, im up to something. . . im hoping that next year will be all good. . .
btw bukan perkara pelik yeaa utk plan awal setahun for ur special one, cause we dont know what will happen next, which means tiba-tiba ada masalah at least we have our backup plan betul. . .
with all this things, im hoping my guy also excited on what i am doing, walaupun tak seberapa. . .
actually, i miss him and my family badly. . . rasa sem nie mcm jarang pulak balik penang, . . 
till we meet again. . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Friday, 17 March 2017


i love you and always love you . . .

Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Perhubungan Jarak Jauh okayy kea?


Perhubungan jarak jauh.
di dalam sesuatu hubungan jarak jauh tu tak jadi masalah, cuba positifkan diri think wisely jadi matang. . .  dlm relationship kena percaya and berserah,  please and please letak kepercayaan to our partner . . . Memang sometimes ada terlintas dlm diri perasaan cemburu, jeles, tak suka once they talk or be friends dgn lain jantina, walaupun diorang just kawan but rasa cemburu tu tetap ada, so beware boys and man, perempuan cpt cemburu! Tapi i think sama laa lelaki pun mesti cemburu if his partner or tmn wanita dia cakap2 borak2 gelak2 dgn lelaki lain, manusia mana yang takda rasa cembburu , and its normal. . . haha bieha pun ngaku bieha jeles and takut, yeaaa gila tak takut, ada kes lelaki orang atau bini orang pun orang main amik jaa, nauzubillah. . .  Minta simpang. . . Tapi Satu jea , percaya and kenal ur partner . . .  Almost few years we stayed with our partner mesti dah kenal the way he is, Cara dia dgn kawan2 dia, kawan lelaki kawan perempuan, u kniw him very well bcause he is yours kann. . .  . So why not letak kepercayaan dkt our partner, but sometimes kena careful jugak, make sure ur partner tak berubah and still being just the way he is so u can keep believe on him, but if they do change thair attitude, their body langguage jgn terus serbu tak tentu pasal, tnya dia mana taw dia busy, bnyk komitmen, ask him politely . . . Im sure there is nothing wrong , keep doa , Allah knows . . . So in relationship kena jaga maruah antara satu sama lain,  harga diri antara satu sama lain, berkawan biar ada batas and ada tujuan. . . Bukan sesuka hati nak berkawan nak berjimba or else. . .
Ingt hati yang kita pegang, how we love our partner so much, how our partner sacrifice everything on you, how he smile, how he laugh, semuanya indahkann. . . Ya Allah , sayang cptlaa hbis bljr. . .  Haha. . . I love my guy so much, Setiap hubungan ada pasang surut , May everything goes well, moga hingga smpai ke jinjang pelamin dan ke anak cucu, aminnn aminnn, sapa yg baca nie aminnnnn cpt. . . Aminn aminn ya robb.
Until we meet again. . .
Terima kasih kerana sudi luangkan masa di entri ini, Senyum selalu:)

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